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Results for "tradition: "Christianity""
Praying with the Earth John Philip Newell on the blessings of Jesus.
The Art of Dying and Living Kerry Walters on practicing patience as a way to live a fulfilling life.
Living into Community Christine Pohl on the strange problem of entitlement.
Desert Banquet David Keller on how the sweetness of the cell is communion with God and a chance to pray for others.
God Is Subversive Lee Griffith on advocates of nonviolence refusing to use other people as a means to an end.
Finding God in a Tangled World A soul-stirring collection of parables and thoughts by two Christians in Latvia.
Cold War Letters Letters from Thomas Merton written during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the ensuing nuclear war tensions over the next year.
Teresa of Avila - The Book of My Life Mirabai Starr's translation of Teresa of Avila's spiritual memoir which is mystic coming-of-age in sixteenth-century Spain.
Echoing Silence A wide-ranging collection of excerpts from Thomas Merton's books, essays, journals and letters on the vocation of writing.
The St. Clare Prayer Book A handy overview of the devotional life of St. Clare.